



  • Amy Garner was called into ministry by Christ over twenty years ago. She spent the early part of her career in children’s ministry serving at First United Methodist in downtown Houston as the Director of Children and Family Ministries. In 2016, the Lord called her to write her story of abortion and healing. She is the author of Redeemed for a Reason which won the 2017 Silver Illumination Award and a Next Generation Indie Book Award. After moving to Columbus a few years ago, the Lord called her to seminary where she earned a Master of Divinity in Theology. Attending seminary gave her a passion to come along side pastors to become more effective in reaching the abortion wounded in their churches. She is the co-founder of Healed by Grace, a ministry which is dedicated to reaching the post-abortive in our churches with the message of healing in Jesus Christ. Amy has been featured on “Orthopraxy” podcast and “Say Yes to Life” radio program. She has spoken at various conferences including CareNet and the American Association of Christian Counselors World Conference. Amy is supported in ministry by her amazing husband of twenty-six years, Blake.

    For more information on Amy visit

  • Milka is a mother and wife. She has shared her story on various platforms and at galas. Milka has worked with lawmakers and politicians to expose the truth about abortion. She has testified on major pieces of legislation including the Heartbeat Bill. Milka speaks to churches bringing awareness to the issue of abortion. She has been interviewed by various news outlets. Her story can be found online at Pregnancy Help News. Milka has a heart to see women walk in the redemption that Jesus so freely offers.

Our Mission


“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” (Revelation 12:11)

Healed by Grace is a #Rev1211Movement to unite post-abortive women in a sisterhood across denominational, organizational, and state lines.  The power of sisterhood, real and raw, will break the silence to declare the full healing power of Jesus Christ. By raising awareness to the devastation abortion causes, we will chase back the darkness that lurks in the corners of our churches. With unwavering courage and boldness, we will proclaim the prevalence of abortion that plagues the church and keeps the daughters of God living in the shadows of shame not reaching the full freedom and effectiveness of the gospel and calling of God on their lives.  We believe the gospel message cannot be chained by the shackles of shame.  We believe that a woman freed by Christ is powerful in purpose and presence. We believe in the power of Christ to not just forgive but to heal the wounds of abortion. We are unafraid and unashamed.


What we believe

“He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5:34)

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word.  It is alive and active, piercing the darkest parts of our hearts to bring light to the world. We believe it has all authority and is sufficient for life and healing. We believe that we are called into a saving relationship with the Triune God.  We believe that we are the hands and feet of Jesus.  We believe that Jesus is still leaving the ninety-nine to seek out the one.  Following His example, we will go to war for the one.   We believe that we are fully known and fully loved. We believe that our worthiness is determined not by who we are, but who He is.  We believe that the blood of Jesus covers all sin.  Jesus paid for it all, bore it all, and covered it all. In Him, we have no room for fear, darkness, or shame.

We believe in relationship over religion.  Our testimonies do not belong to us, but to the One who redeemed us to wholeness.  We believe salvation is just the beginning of the Christian life.  We believe that true healing comes when we surrender our darkest sins to God’s transformative power. We believe that we are called to live in that power.  We are called to bring purpose from our pain for the glory of His name.